Friday, September 11, 2009

Where X Meets Y - The Helio Experience

Heliocentric literally means the center streamyx package the universe. But in the case of Telekom Mobile it probably means the center of YOUR universe! Indeed it is the place where Generation X and Y intersect and pivot much like the crossing of their respective axis. It is here somewhere between Generations X and Y that streamyx internet will find the first mobile handheld device created to allow full access and Adsl Ethernet Modem functionality to these generations most coveted website: MY SPACE. And if you think this seems like some future high tech stuff that is a little ahead of our time, you are absolutely right. Helio is the creative brainchild of SK Telecom (One of South Koreas Major Telecom Providers) and Earthlink and the first such company to launch this type of service in the U.S.

So where did Helio come from and what are they all about? Well in simple terms, the ?b style="color:#000;background:#ffff66">mobile fairy?brought them. But in more complex, but still simple terms they are what you call an MVNO. You may have recently heard or seen the term but are not quite sure of what it means. MVNO is the acronym (as if we dont already have enough in hotel seri malaysia genting and technology) which stands for Mobile Virtual Network Operator. An MVNO dsl internet providers leases space from a major wireless carrier like Verizon or Sprint or Cingular and then customizes programs and services specific to their niche audience. You are likely to find an MVNO customer care team more familiar with your specific product line and therefore better able to support you. Think of them as like a boutique mobile streamyx call centre company. And buying your mobile will sort of be like ordering a la carte. Instead of getting a phone with all this stuff you dont really need or wont use, you can 3 mobile broadband a mobile phone with everything that you specifically need based on your lifestyle.

In the case of Helio their target market is primarily young and/or techno-savvy professionals who are socialites and want a cool phone that goes where they go! They say, Dont call me a phone company? probably for more reasons than one. Traditional wireless carriers are not generally known for having good support for their non cohesive myriad of wireless offerings marketed towards a broad mainstream market. Helio is looking for sophisticated users who want a rich multimedia experience. From on demand video to web browsing and understanding that their mobile is a part of their lifestyle. Consumer lifestyle marketing and the convergence of multimedia on the mobile handheld is the future of wireless. Better get with the program before your call dro--. broadband online Helio? Anybody there?

Shonika computer network support is a 14 year wireless veteran that loves helping frustrated or technophobic cellular users to overcome ALL of their billing, service or hardware related problems. If you enjoyed this article, you'll find tons more similar content, tools and training resources on her website,

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